A friend sent me an interesting text message the other day. He asked: “What’s your biggest time-waster?” I replied with only three mysterious words: “The Grey Zone”. In case you’re wondering, he said his biggest time-waster is figuring out what my cryptic texts mean.
What is The Grey Zone?
The Grey Zone is limbo. You’re somewhere in between relaxing fully, and actually being productive. You are sat in your work place, sort of doing little jobs that aren’t really important in between checking emails, Facebook, Twitter, or whatever. Or you’re watching a TV program but you bring a book to read as you watch it. This is The Grey Zone. You’re not making efficient or useful progress, and you’re not switching off completely and getting the benefits of leisure time either. After a while in the grey zone, you will feel guilty for not getting anything done but also tired as you have not been fully relaxing.
It’s very easy to fall into the grey zone with tasks that have no clearly defined start and finish points. Studying is one big example, so is working on a blog or website. Yes, you know when your exam or essay deadline is, but you don’t have a schedule to do x at y time on z day. Without a start and finish point, it’s easy to spend hours or even days in the grey zone. You’ll eventually feel too overloaded with work to justify taking any time off (at least not without feeling guilty), so you feel compelled to sit at your desk “working”, but at the same time you don’t have the motivation to tackle any mentally demanding tasks. So you settle on some task that is necessary, and is helpful in some small degree, but isn’t what you would choose to do if your motivation was higher.
The problem with the grey zone is that it’s easy to rationalise that you have spent this time working. You probably believe quite strongly that the more time you put into a task, the more you get done: the ‘results by volume’ approach. If I’ve spent 6 hours ‘working’, I must have done lots of work. The flaw in the logic is that not every hour’s work is made equal. Here’s an illustration, using an arbitrary points system. Say an hour of focused work is 10 points of productivity, an hour in the grey zone is 3 points of productivity, and an hour of leisure is 0 points of productivity.
4 hours productive work = 40 points
2 hours leisure time = 0 points
TOTAL = 40 points
2 hours productive work = 20 points
4 hours in the grey zone = 12 points
TOTAL = 32 points
So more gets done in the first example. But there’s another factor to take into consideration. Even though 4 hours in the grey zone is less productive, it’s still pretty tiring. Without the extra time to relax, you might not be fully rested for tomorrow. Here’s what might happen the next day:
4 hours productive work = 40 points
2 hours leisure time = 0 points
TOTAL = 40 points
2 hours productive work = 18 points
4 hours in the grey zone = 10 points
TOTAL = 28 points
Of course these figures don’t prove anything; I’m just using them to illustrate my points, which are:
- The grey zone is easy to fall into without clear start and end points to your work periods (and knowing specifically what to do within these ‘time boxes’)
- Overall productivity is lower in the grey zone
- The grey zone drains your motivation to tackle work with focus
Escaping The Grey Zone
It’s easy to get into and hard to get out of – unless you know how.
1) Fixed Scheduling
This is an idea popularised by Cal Newport. The principle is simple – you set a fixed schedule to study, and once that time is up, you stop working and start your leisure time, however you might choose to spend it. This is a bit scary at first, you might think you need the time too much, but give this a try for a few weeks. You’ll find that you get as much or more done, for two main reasons. Firstly, you’re forced to be more productive in the time that you have, so your overall efficiency will improve. Secondly, you’ll be better rested the next day, and won’t feel the need to float around in the grey zone. But you must stop when your schedule tells you to! Then go relax and recharge for the next day. If you ignore your schedule, you’ll just keep your old pattern; and if your time runs out before you get the work you wanted done, it will remind you that you’ll need to be more focused the next day.
2) Time Boxing
I came across this one through Steve Pavlina, many moons ago. Within your fixed schedule, set specific blocks of time out to work on specific tasks. Buy a cheap academic diary for this purpose. For example, say you have a lecture between 2 and 5. Your schedule for that day might be to work in the library from 10-1.45, then go to your class until 5. Your time boxes might be a two hour session between 10-12, and another from 12-1.45. Time boxing is very useful when you can’t break a task down further and it’s now just a matter of putting the time into getting it done. You know you only have to do a certain amount of work, so you don’t feel overwhelmed.
3) Planning
Some people prefer to ‘go with the flow’ in terms of when and what they study, but I’m willing to bet that most people couldn’t do better on the fly than they could with a schedule. Therefore, you need to adopt some kind of system. It doesn’t have to be elaborate, but you should know exactly what you need to do when you sit down to work. This doesn’t mean “Work on essay.” ‘Work on essay’ is not something to do, it’s a very vague notion. Instead, something like “Download Diener (1995), read and take notes.” Don’t put “Revise for working memory exam,” put “Draw mind maps based on notes on working memory.” It’s best to be as specific as you can so you don’t waste time in the grey zone deciding what to do. Although I accept there are times you cannot be any more specific than “Write essay” – sometimes it’s just time to start writing.
Remember the key points. The results by volume approach to study makes intuitive sense but it’s not entirely accurate. The quality of the time you put in is also important, and if you’re spending a long time putting minimal effort in, it will produce worse results and more stress than if you spend shorter periods putting lots of effort in. It will be difficult at first – focused studying is a tiring thing to do. After a couple of hours you’ll get hungry as your brain eats up glucose to fuel your efforts. But it is something you get better at over time.
“This doesn’t mean “Work on essay.” ‘Work on essay’ is not something to do, it’s a very vague notion”
Your planning paragraph is excellent and makes some really helpful points. Too often when planning, setting goals or, well, doing anything, we use vague notions and subjective adjectives rather than actually defining the behaviors we want to see.
When we are not precise when defining exactly what behavior we want, it becomes much harder to measure if the goal was actually accomplished.
Rather than a vague “work on homework”, I always try and decide how much I plan to do in a certain day or afternoon. I also find it helps to have something optional or fun to work towards. For instance, I have something fun I’m planning to do Monday morning. (no classes on Monday this semester!) This is good motivation to get my work done today and tomorrow. Otherwise, I’ll have to read Monday morning, rather than do my fun activity.
By the way, time boxing and planning are both labeled 2).
.-= Mary Hunter´s last blog ..We Bought a Zoo by Benjamin Mee (book review) =-.
i never thought i stay so much in my grey zone..Help!!
Good thoughts Warren, I’m now following on Twitter. A great movie on this topic is called “The Peaceful Warrior”.
Maybe not spot-on with what you discuss but it does teach the habit of being in the moment you are in fully – with 100% of your mind.
.-= Social Media Consultant´s last blog ..Social Media Marketing vs Email Marketing =-.
Cheers. I’ll check that film out. Just saw the trailer and it looks interesting although I’m not sure about the whole “you can do anything you believe in” side of things that many films seem to be about these days.
Agree with you… “The Peaceful Warrior” is an excellent movie starred by Nick Nolte and show the possibility that all the humans have to be right here in the present and not in the past (that is gone away) or in the future (that don’t exist).
“The Peaceful Warrior” is quite the appalling cliche, as perpetuated by the self-help industry. Worth watching just to realise such nonsense.
work life balance is really important. I would rather take more rest time as compare to most of my colleagues love to sacrifice their precious leisure time by doing over time.
.-= Sue Lemieux´s last blog ..Satellite TV Trends – Watch Digital TV on your PC =-.
Mohinder – yes that was my first impression!
Sue – Good for you. The grey zone is quite alluring though, because it contains the illusion of productivity. But yeah me too, I’d rather relax completely and be better rested for the next day.
i agree you gotta rest if you want to be 100%
When I read the second paragraph, I am surprised that it is really ‘me’, spending my time in grey zone without knowing that it is really useless. I often bring books to anywhere else and think that I’m gonna read it, that they will be useful. But, I never read them, though. Such a wasting time, isn’t it?