Here are the best blogs in each of the following respective areas, according to me.
There are some sub-fields I know nothing about (clinical topics mainly), so this list is not comprehensive in that regard.
I’ll update this as time goes by. Feel free to repost this on your own website to spread the word about these excellent resources.
General Psychology Blogs
PsyBlog – Jeremy Dean at the top of the list, as it should be.
Research Digest – The BPS Research Digest is a superb resource, for students, researchers and people with a general interest in psychology. Christian Jarrett has done a great job with this. – A great psychology blog written by a handsome, accomplished, and modest psychology student (i.e., me).
PsychFutures Blog – By psych students, for psych students. You can sign up and make a contribution yourself!
Social Psychology
Social Psychology Eye – Blog of the Social & Personality Psychology Compass; some brilliant articles in here.
Situationist – How “the situation” influences our behaviour.
What Makes Them Click by Susan Weinschenk – A blog about understanding people. The ‘100 things you should know about people’ series is fantastic, I wish I’d thought of it first!
Exercise Psychology
Physical Exercise and Psychology Blog – Not that well known, and has been quiet for a while, but Sean Webster has some good posts and links on here about the cross-over between psych and physical exercise.
Neuroscience / Cognitive Science
Neurocritic – A pleasingly critical look at Neuroscience and related fields
Neuronarrative – No list of psych blogs is complete without David DiSalvo’s Neuronarrative.
Neurophilosophy – Good stuff here on all aspects of neuroscience.
Neuroconscience – Brain plasticity particularly in relation to media and technology use.
The Mouse Trap – Great stuff from Sandy, you’ll find some general posts on psychology with a preference towards neuroscience, and a recent interest in positive psychology too!
Mind Hacks – Big, popular, successful, long-lasting, accessible – it’s Mind Hacks!
Cognitive Daily – Sadly, Cognitive couple Greta and Dave closed shop in Jan 2010, but the archives are still up and valuable.
Frontier psychiatrist – Mental illness for the masses!
Psychotherapy Brown Bag – Absolutely fantastic blog, even if psychotherapy isn’t your bag. Lot’s in here on the right way to think as a scientific psychologist, critical thinking etc. Well worth reading if you’re a psych student.
Positive Psychology
Positive Psychology News Daily – The best positive psychology site on the web, written mostly by current and former MAPP students.
Curious – Todd Kashdan’s interesting blog. Check it out if you’re curious.
The Good Life – The Psychology Today blog of Christopher Peterson, sports fan and VIA strengths co-founder.
The Meaning in Life – Michael Steger’s blog, more focus on meaning, as you might have guessed.
Influence PEOPLE – Brian Ahern’s excellent ethical persuasion blog. Also his podcasts are here.
Persuasion Theory – Matt Fox’s blog focuses the science of persuasion into various applications, mainly marketing. Lot’s of practical tips here.
Jena Pincott – Author Jena Pincott’s interesting and sometimes cheeky blog.
Dr Petra – More focus on sex education and policy issues here. Thoughtful stuff.
Critical Thinking
Bad Science – Ben Goldacre’s site. Not a psychology site actually, but if you’re a psychology student you should immediately subscribe to Ben’s blog and let his critical attitude rub off on you through the power of web-osmosis.
This is a great resource of psychology blogs. Thanks for sharing. I am not a psychology student but I wish I was. I honestly cannot relate to some of the blogs you mentioned. So I guess I’ll be staying here in your blog most of the time.
These look like some great blogs!!!! I studied Psychology at University and remember coming across similar blogs like this but none so well oragnised. I really like the one on brain plasticity particularly in relation to media and technology use. That is definitely worth a read haha! These are also great if you want to get some new ideas that aren’t from the lecturer’s reading list. Great post!
Thank you so much for that amazing source… I been searching for my research on my psychology class… Thanks I find this post, I got valuable and helpful information…
I discovered Jeremy Dean’s blog a while ago and it is a sensational read. I am studying psychology part time and it Jeremy always puts things back intoo perspective. On a side note I hope the injury lawyer in alabama is smart enough to change his/her name at depol too 🙂 made me laugh Becky
Hey Warren,
I checked out Ben Goldacre’s site, and I’m hooked. I really dig his style of picking apart the facts and figures to show that they’re not rooted in any solid evidence. It just goes to show you how easily people can be misled if they don’t do their fact checking.
Thanks for this great resource.
.-= Jered´s last blog ..Leading With Presence =-.
Psychology is a good subject. Different persons have different psychologies. It is good blog for psychology.. really these 28 are the good websites for psychology..This is really good…
I always find Psychology interesting – gives me a different level of ‘beautiful insanity’. Thanks for this collection of thoughts.
It’s also a great site >>
Yep, lot’s of good blogs at PT. You can easily waste a few hours clicking related post links over there!
Good list of resources covering a range of topics. I’m currently interested in psychology around weight loss and fitness so a few more of those would be nice.
Thank you for this list, I am interested in positive psychology and my own site reflects this interest.
Excellent work Warren.
I’ve been a fan of the psychotherapy brown bag and BPS for ages now. I notice someone else has already mentioned, but I would think Psychology Today should be updated to your list.
I’m also going to add Neuroskeptic. He’s got some good insights at
Keep up the good work,
Your blog has informed me of many great bloggers. But also John Lehrer. Might want to remove him from this list. I found his WIRED blog filled with editorial remarks, and his New Yorker blog much the same, finally provoking me to look him up and then discovering the scandal.
Thanks for looking up all of these great resources. I came across it while searching for great blogs, and I kept coming right back this page. All dealing with psychology and good for anyone conducting their own research at home, or for anyone in the medical field looking for information. Great post.
My favourite is ‘what makes them click’ awesome blog!
I’m going to be cheeky and tell you all to look at mine – it’s a humorous psychology blog (there’s not many around) so if you don’t laugh, I’ve failed.
Hi Warren
Thanks for the list of blogs. I am a psychotherapist and have written a couple of blogs but it’s good to see this list and read other people’s stuff. Going to spend a bit of time reading through your lise now.
Very helpful, thanks. I used “Best psych blogs” and your post was at the top of the list. Google got it right this time.
My vote here goes to PsyBlog ( by Jeremy Dean it is by far the most interesting psychology reading on the web. Every Fri I spend a couple of hours reading all fresh content from this blog.